So Many Guns

So many guns
How many 4 foot coffins
Will it take
For us to see
We don’t need
So many guns
Are any saved
By all these guns
Their flesh shredding
How many saved
Each day
So many places
It can be done
If we just agree
That we need to end
This depravity
So many guns
How many dead
Will it take
For us to see
We don’t need
So many guns
In the Sandy Hook shooting, 20 elementary school children and 6 adults were tragically killed.
As a father of two young children at the time, I couldn’t imagine what the families and community of Sandy Hook were going through.
Regardless of a person’s view on gun ownership, the tragedy raised some very basic questions: Are we being too lax about access to guns? How many guns should a person have? Do these guns actually serve their intended purpose of protecting individuals, or do they cause more harm than good? What can we learn from other countries who have enacted different laws than we have?
Unfortunately since Sandy Hook there have been numerous other shootings including Parkland, Las Vegas and Thousand Oaks and Pittsburgh. We need to do more and we can do more.
I wrote So Many Guns as an outlet for voicing these questions in the hope that we can work together to come up with sensible answers and bring about positive change.